Sod and Stubble
John Ise
Deeply moved by his mother’s memories of a waning era and rapidly disappearing lifestyle, Joh Ise painstakingly recorded the adventures and adversities of his family and boyhood neighbors – the early homesteaders of Osborne County, Kansas. Ushering us through a dynamic period of pioneering history, from the 1870s to the turn of the century, Sod and Stubble abounds with the events and issues – fires and droughts, parties and picnics, insect infestations and bumper crops, prosperity and poverty, divisiveness and generosity, births and deaths – that shaped the lives and destinies of Henry and Rosa Ise, their family, and their community.
First published in 1936, Ise’s “nonfiction novel” has become a widely read and much-loved classic. This annotated and expanded edition greatly enhances his timeless tale, It includes the entire first edition – restores four of Ise’s original chapters that have never been published, and adds photographs of many of the key characters. In his notes, Von Rothenberger reveals the true identity of Ise’s family and neighbors, provides background on their lives, and places events within a wider historical and geographical context.