February is almost over; let’s see how we’re going to close out the month in today’s “Monday Morning Museum Update”!
Keep up to date on what staff and volunteers at the Lindsborg Old Mill & Swedish Heritage Museum are doing in your community every day in celebrating the history of Lindsborg and the surrounding region. This weekly update both looks back at what happened last week and looks ahead at what’s coming.
For February 20-26, 2023:
All Staff
- Met with the 125th anniversary committee to continue on celebration plans.
- Writing (Caroline) and editing (Adam and Lenora) on SPRINT grant narrative sections.
Lenora Lynam, Executive Director
- Additional cleanup and packing up of decorations from the Donor Reception.
- Coordinated with HVAC contractor to investigate and fix a problem with electrical usage.
- Coordinated with contractor on upcoming repairs to the Old Mill stairs and, the opening to the basement grain bin in the mill, and the front porch of the Swedish Pavilion.
- Ordered new directional signs for the museum campus.
- Rescheduled collections committee meeting.
- Took reservations for Millfest for Kids on May 5.
- Arranged for Millfest demonstrations.
- Assisted two different researchers on Friday.
Caroline de Filippis, Community Development Director
- Processed new donations and memberships.
- Provide contact information for Volunteer Fair.
- Arrange dates for fundraising coaching for the team.
- Arrange multiple upcoming community and committee meetings.
- Order open sign prints for sandwich board.
- Draft design of a bookmark to advertise Millfest.
- Review Kansas Community Service Tax Credit Program.
- Edit / review draft newsletter.
- Accept grant to assist paying for fundraising coaching.
- Work on arranging food truck for Millfest.
- Input contact list and donations received to donor management software.
- SPRINT grant work:
- Contact insulation contractor.
- Add to proposed budget from new quote estimates received.
- Prepare photos section.
- Prepare additional required documents.
Adam Pracht, Marketing and Communications Director
- Social media posts, responding to messages and comments.
- Updated Staff and Board of Directors page
- Removed old events from website.
- Updated and corrected Wikipedia pages related to the museum.
- Make contribution to CVB Lindsborg ad in USA Today.
- Sign up museum for upcoming Volunteer Fair.
- Finalized 125th anniversary government proclamation document.
- Made draft logo for $1 million endowment campaign.
- Printed and posted Nutt grant community feedback posters.
- Wrote articles and worked on the design and layout of the museum’s new twice-annual newsletter.
- Communicated with Smoky Hills Community Foundation about participation in match fundraising days.
- Communication on an invitation to a school for Millfest for Kids.
- Arranged to borrow 360 camera from Lindsborg CVB.
- SPRINT grant work:
- Received and shared an estimate for restoration and preservation of steam engine.
- Solicited for a good-faith estimate on tablets and accessories for check-out as a part of new tour options.
- Solicited signatures from Ad Hoc group for letter of support.
- Secured letters of support from CVB and Smoky Valley Historical Association.
Adam and Caroline
- Attended Ad Hoc.
- Feedback to last Board of Directors meeting minutes.
- Finalized roadside sandwich board “Open” sign design.
- Carol Gusenius, Cathy Ahlstedt, and Jerry Sperling: Monday front desk coverage.
- Julie Ann Neywick: Photo scanning.
- Les Sperling: Put away tables and chairs from Donor Reception.