In this week’s update: A successful guest speaker event, Volunteer Workday April 22 and more!
In this update, keep up to date on what staff and volunteers at the Lindsborg Old Mill & Swedish Heritage Museum are doing in your community every day in celebrating the history of Lindsborg and the surrounding region. This weekly update both looks back at what happened last week and looks ahead at what’s coming.
For March 27 – April 2, 2023:
- We had a good group of about 25 come out last Thursday for guest speaker Thomas Prasch, Professor and Chair of the History Department at Washburn University with “World’s Fair Remnants in Kansas.” You can watch the full livestream HERE.
- We will be having our Spring Volunteer Work Day on Saturday, April 22! If you have the time and inclination to help with various important needs on the museum campus, please sign up HERE to help out!
- Mark your calendars! Millfest will be Saturday, May 6, and we’ll be celebrating 125 years since the construction of the Old Mill!
- The McPherson Gem & Mineral Club met last Sunday afternoon to to continue evaluating rocks, minerals and fossils.
All Staff
- Continued planning for Millfest and Millfest for Kids.
- Setup and breakdown for guest speaker on Thursday.
- Run booth at Volunteers Fair on Friday.
- Attended 125th anniversary committee meeting.
- Had second “Fundraising Bootcamp” session.
Lenora Lynam, Executive Director
- Assisted an individual researching one-room schools in the area.
- Picked up wheat weavings from artist in Moundridge for the gift shop.
- Met with HR consultant.
- Coordinated on potential contract with company for scanning archival materials.
- Preparation for next online Swedish Genealogy Workshop on June 10.
Caroline de Filippis, Community Development Director (last 2 weeks)
- Update volunteer list.
- Ask about chess demonstrations during Millfest.
- Look into possible salvaging of tables.
- Work on possible members for museum development committee.
- Create email to promote guest speaker event.
- Follow-up on KMA institutional grant.
- Coordinate with The Land Institute on Millfest plans.
- Look into tip-jar options.
- Create tracking document for important numbers.
- Research endowment campaigns in Kansas, educational materials on, and contact possible individuals who would be willing to share about their process.
- Meetings with city representatives.
- Print additional visitor maps.
- Research potential grants.
- Research a museum association.
- Contact an ad creative company.
- Review a tax credit program.
- Secure food truck for Millfest.
- Attend fundraising webinar.
Adam Pracht, Marketing and Communications Director
- Social media posts, responding to multiple messages and comments. Sent Facebook invites to individuals expressing interest.
- Took pictures and video during Trinity Catholic School (Hutchinson) student tour on Wednesday.
- Prepared and posted wheat weavings to museum gift shop here:
- Communicated with Milling & Baking News reporter about upcoming story.
- Sent a story about Millfest to local CVB.
- Researched printing options for 125th anniversary of Old Mill book.
- Feedback on a mass email.
- Designed a sticker for distribution at Millfest.
- Contacted a possible reenactor for Millfest.
Caroline and Lenora
- Attended Lindsborg Cultural Directors meeting.
- Took down Roosevelt temporary exhibition.
- Coordinated with contractor to replace steps in the Old Mill.
- Cathy Ahlstedt, Carol Gusenius, and Jerry Sperling: Monday front desk coverage.
- Susan Achenbach: Friday front desk coverage.
- Cathy Ahlstedt: Saturday afternoon front desk coverage.
- Julie Ann Neywick: Scanning photos.
- Mike Koch and Kim Colby: Check and evaluate condition of pop-up tents.