Apologies for the later-in-the-week update everyone – We were still recovering and cleaning up from a very successful Millfest last Saturday!
In this week’s update: Millfest and Millfest for Kids results, coffee table book preorders, recent news coverage, and more!
In our weekly update, keep up to date on what staff and volunteers at the Lindsborg Old Mill & Swedish Heritage Museum are working on to lift up the history of Lindsborg and the surrounding region. This weekly update both looks back at what happened last week and looks ahead at what’s coming.
For April 31-May 7, 2023:
- We had a strong Millfest for the 125th anniversary of the Old Mill with 345 mill tours and the best estimate of total attendance being 510. We also had 548 students and adults attend Millfest for Kids on Friday! Thanks to everyone who helped to make this anniversary milestone Millfest such a big success!
- We had some remarkable coverage on KWCH last week, including being featured live on May 2 for the “Where’s Shane?” segment and for a story on the “Wandermore” travel blogger – a college student who is visiting every incorporated town in Kansas!
- Registration is open now for the next Swedish Genealogy Workshop on June 10! Purchase your reservation through the museum gift shop HERE!
All Staff
- Multiple tasks by the full staff related to the setup, running, and cleanup of Millfest and Millfest for Kids that are far too numerous to list here in detail.
Lenora Lynam, Executive Director
- Daily bookkeeping (Bank deposits, bills, recording and reconciling transactions in accounting software.)
- Met with a genealogy researcher.
- Picked up supplies for Millfest.
- Sent reminders and setup information to Millfest for Kids volunteers and demonstrators on Friday and Saturday.
- Created signs for each Friday demonstration areas.
Caroline de Filippis, Community Development Director
- Process donations.
- Coordinate with donors for Millfest.
- Manage volunteers for Millfest.
- Coordinate Millfest food options.
- Print additional museum maps.
- Create wayfinding signs for Millfest.
- Coordinate internship interview.
- Design and prepare Millfest badges.
- Attend EPIC work session in Hutchinson.
Adam Pracht, Marketing and Communications Director
- Social media posts, responding to multiple messages and comments. Sent Facebook invites to individuals expressing interest.
- Attended AdHoc.
- Posted radio interview with Lucky Kidd of Ad Astra radio about Millfest, along with links to album of Where’s Shane visit and KWCH story/Wandermore stories.
- Posted as embedded PDF the final program for Millfest to the events page and to the Millfest news release.
- Did temp fix to review widgets to keep them from showing incorrect ratings.
- Managed appearance with Shane Konicki on Tuesday, May 2 for a “Where’s Shane?” segment previewing Millfest as well as being featured with Shawn Loging of KWCH to follow the visit of “Wandermore” travel blogger to the museum on May 2.
- Took 360 and normal video and pictures of the Old Mill in operation and the Millfest event in general.
- Reviewed quote for printing of 125th anniversary coffee table book.
- Designed cover for 125th anniversary coffee table book.
- Designed signage and forms for Smoky Valley Historical Association.
- Communicated with a volunteer about potential translations into Spanish.
- Gave a tour to about 30 students and adults from Ingalls on May 2.
- Created coupons for Lindsborg welcome baskets.
- Organization of special ceremony on Saturday.
- Interview with freelance radio reporter about Millfest.
Caroline and Adam
- Edits to the new temporary exhibit.
- Delivered or emailed Millfest programs to local organizations and businesses.
- Finalized coffee table book preorder forms, flyer, and posters.
- Put away cabinet of broken genealogy computer.
- Sharon Entz: Preparation and oiling of the Old Mill for Millfest.
- Mike Koch and Mark Lackey: Millfest setup.
- Rachel Norlin: Design of temporary exhibition panels.
- Mike Koch: Exhibition installation.
- McPherson Quilt Guild: Setup and teardown of quilt show.
- Mike Koch, Mark Lackey, Kim Colby, and Travis Schubert: Setting up popup tents and miscellaneous last-minute setup.
- Kansas State milling students, Sharon Entz,
- There were MANY volunteers, parents, guardians, teachers and more for Millfest and Millfest for Kids, as well as the work of preparing for the events and cleaning up afterward. If we have missed listing you – please know that we VERY much appreciate all that you do and contribute to our success! We’ll also continue to list additional volunteers who helped us in upcoming weekly reports.