In this week’s update: completed repair work, 3D stereogram images, and more!
In our weekly update, keep up to date on what staff and volunteers at the Lindsborg Old Mill & Swedish Heritage Museum are working on to lift up the history of Lindsborg and the surrounding region. This weekly update both looks back at what happened last week and looks ahead at what’s coming.
For May 6-12, 2024:
- At the top of the update today, a quick “programming note” that the Monday Morning Museum Update will be “taking a week off” next week, as its on-staff creator will be out of office next Monday. It will be back for the week of May 28, covering two weeks of museum happenings. The museum will be closed for Memorial Day, Monday, May 27.
- A fair amount of the week was spent on clean up and putting items away following Millfest. The Handy Crew was particularly helpful, including putting away picnic tables to return to City of Lindsborg and taking the quilt display framed back to storage.
- Lawrenz Masonry completed tuckpointing on the Old Mill powerhouse parapet walls.
- Wheat State Paint Co. finished repainting the Academy building last week and – as weather allows – they will be starting on the one-room schoolhouse this coming week.
- We have an exciting new area of the website dedicated to immersive 3D stereogram images! Check it out at
1898 Smoky Valley Roller Mills in 3D stereogram - Check us out as part of a Lindsborg Arts Council advertisement that appeared on page 127 of the May/June edition of KC Studio magazine! We also were the full front page of the Lindsborg News-Record last week!
- Communicated with a Chicago-based artist we have worked with before who who has volunteered to create some original artwork for us of the Swedish Pavilion!
- NOW OPEN: “Skeleton-Of-Dog… Selected Geology & Natural History Artifacts from the Bethany College Collection Archives” is a temporary mini-exhibit at the museum featuring some unique artifacts not seen in public for decades!
- Registration is now open for the next Swedish Genealogy Workshop on June 8! Limited to 100 attendees, we have four great new sessions in this online learning opportunity!
- Our Endowment Campaign 2025 is ongoing to add $1 million to our endowment in supporting our annual operational budget to make sure that not only do we preserve these historical treasures, but we can also “keep the lights on.” Read more on the flyer and giving form below, or visit to to learn more!
Thank you to our museum volunteers for Millfest!
We have a more complete list of everyone who helped volunteer for Millfest 2024! If we happened to miss you, please let us know and we’ll make sure we include you in an upcoming Monday Museum Update:
Julie Ann Neywick, Mike Koch, Les Sperling, Jerry Hammerton, Karmon Almquist, Sharon Entz, David Goering, Leland Nelson, Becky Anderson, Cathy Ahlstedt, Janene Stockamp, Tyler Hammond, Susan Lundstrom, Tom Whitaker, Mark Lackey, Betty Amos, Collin Carlson, Joyce Pigge, Kirsten Bruce, Kim Colby, Matt & Rebekah Lynam, Daisy Quested of First Bank Kansas, Rachel Norlin Chaput, Amber Pracht, Dale & Alice Pracht, Bill Chase, Mike Lynam!
Thank you as well to our Millfest and Millfest for Kids demonstrators and vendors:
McPherson Quilt Guild, The Land Institute, Ron Michael, Chris Deines, Rose Marie & Mike Wallen, Bill Olson, Baron Shively, Alan English & Bethany College education students; Josh Womelsdorf, John Presley, Carol Goering, Joyce Peterson, Brad Guhr, Kansas Llama Association, Pat & Sandy Ponton, Mary Voight, Angela Price, Paul Oberg, Jerry Hammerton, Dean Gipe, Eowyn, Eian, Janie Tubbs, Farm Tough Leatherworks, Mike Becker, Amethyst Sankey, Pam Pentico, Tim Steward, Vince & Chris Rocco, Oak & Iron Lanes, Folkdanslag Swedish dancers.
Thanks to our Old Mill tour guides:
Tom Whitaker, Karmon Almquist, Josh Nelson, Sharon Entz, and KSU milling students.
Thanks to our music entertainment:
Front Porch Pickers, Old Man Lingonberry, and Bethany College students.
Thank you to our weekly museum volunteers last week!
Jerry Sperling, Cathy Ahlstedt, Betty Amos, Tyler Hammond, Tim Stewart, and Julie Ann Neywick.