The “Monday Morning Museum Update”(coming to you today on Tuesday because of the holiday) keeps you updated on what staff and volunteers are doing in your community every day in serving and celebrating the history of Lindsborg and the surrounding region. This weekly update both looks back at what happened last week and looks ahead at what’s coming.
For January 9-16, 2023:
All Staff
- Museum was closed on January 16 for Martin Luther King, Jr Day.
- Attended AdHoc (at Sister Bojangles) on Wednesday.
- Met to plan ideas for future temporary exhibits.
- Met with CVB on possibility of a mural and garden area next to the main museum building.
- Interviewed Bethany College student, who will be the new spring semester museum intern (Welcome, Alberto!)
- Attended the monthly Board of Directors meeting and presented updates to the board. Setup and breakdown for meeting.
Lenora Lynam, Executive Director
- Coordinated to remove a diseased cedar tree.
- Requested estimates on replacing wooden posts that support the museum front porch roof.
- Met with and started training a new museum volunteer.
- Soliciting quotes on a critical museum contract.
- Planning for Millfest (May 6) and Millfest for Kids (May 5).
- Organizing a Mill Committee to organize ways to promote the Old Mill.
- Organized with the Mud Creek Archaeology group to evaluate fossils in storage.
- Organized with the mill and powerhouse guttering repair contractor.
Caroline de Filippis, Community Development Director
- Processed new donations and memberships.
- Met with Hyllningsfest Planning Committee.
- Upgrade membership management system.
- Confirmed March guest speaker.
- Gathered information for Annual Report.
- Updated 2023-2024 strategic plan for Board of Directors.
- Update volunteer list.
- Set up first meeting of the 125th anniversary committee.
- Contacts with K-State and a Kansas wheat weaver.
- Update events calendar.
- Contact to sell Jerkovich photo prints in gift shop.
- Investigate options for better-visibility “open” signage.
- Research ideas for gift shop.
Adam Pracht, Marketing and Communications Director
- Social media posts.
- Fixed a name error on website home page.
- Prepared Match Challenge and annual report presentations for Board of Directors meeting.
- Completed 2022 Annual Report for Board (will make some updates before public release.)
- Created new online gift shop product listing for new Snaxsun wheat snacks:
- Checked on participation possibilities for match fundraising days.
- Prepared signage and graphics for Martin Luther King, Jr Day
- Worked to sign up for SHESC Volume Purchasing Program.
- Researched copy paper prices.
Caroline and Lenora
- Set up the Academy building to prepare for archaeology group to work.
- Scouted a possible location for in-person Swedish Genealogy Workshop later this year.
- Jerry Sperling and Carol Gusenius – Monday front desk coverage.
- Kim Colby – cleaning in the Old Mill.